GDPR (The European Union General Data Protection Regulation) Introduction seminar

5th February, 2019, Jamaica

All You Wanted to Know About General Data Privacy Directive (GDPR) In One Day. The Foundation, Application and Substance (FAS) Seminar with Certification

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect on 25 May 2018 continues to be an evolving and on-going challenge for most organisations.

The need

Given that GDPR compliance is an ongoing journey, the Governance Institute, ICSA asked the EU Governance and Compliance community to discuss how their organisations had complied with GDPR. The headline figure revealed that only half of the EU companies were ‘fully compliant’ on the enforcement date of 25 May, with roughly a quarter (27%) not fully compliant and the rest (23%) unsure. Given the potential fines and reputational damage for non-compliance companies cannot afford to neglect the correct GDPR methodology for implementation. The focus on GDPR will remain high on the corporate agenda of all businesses.

Who should participate

The introduction and the post-implementation updated FAS seminar/workshop is for all individuals who are the stakeholders in managing data protection, privacy, IT Governance and IT and Cybersecurity within the organisation. Participants with GDPR awareness who wish to improve the effectiveness of their IT Governance, Data and Compliance strategy, and streamline the GDPR processes will be able to use our methodology to ensure long-term compliance.

The scope of the seminar

The module based one-day event provides a comprehensive introduction and the practical understanding of the post-implementation implications and the legal requirements. The structured methodology and the implementation path to ensure EU GDPR compliance, and how GDPR stakeholders can help avoid additional work, loss of reputation resulting from data breaches, and the mandatory cyber resilience, data protection, and cybersecurity issues.

We will review current IT and data issues post GDPR implementation and how companies can now develop an IT and data security strategy.


The GDPR FAS certification course will provide a complete overview of the EU GDPR, with a practical understanding of the implications and legal requirements for an organisation of any size. We will further focus on the practical application (Foundation) and the material substance of the GDPR articles on the GDPR execution including scope, approach, structure, data flows and mapping to ensure ongoing compliance. (Application & Substance) The certification is taken after the seminar (smartphones or iPads are not suitable) on the web. The holder of an EU GDPR FAS qualification exam certificate is registered on the EUGDPR Institute® successful candidate record database to document registration and validity of your GDPR qualification.


Kersi F. Porbunderwalla

President and CEO

Is the President and CEO of The EUGDPR Institute and Secretary-General of Copenhagen Compliance®. He functions as an advisor, teacher, instructor, researcher, commentator and practitioner on Data Protection and Data Privacy, Governance, Risk Management, Compliance and IT security (GRC), Bribery, Fraud and Corruption (BFC) and Corporate Social/Stakeholder Responsibility (CSR) issues.


Secretary General and CEO, Nordic Federation of Public Accountants (NRF)

Secretary General and CEO, Nordic Federation of Public Accountants (NRF) from 2010, involved in the development of the accounting profession in the Nordic region (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden), where NRF functions as the Nordic resource for the purpose of optimizing the Nordic accounting profession’s contribution to and influence on European and global affairs affecting the accounting profession, with particular emphasis on regulatory affairs and the European and global accounting organizations (Accountancy Europe & IFAC); as well as initiating and coordinating joint Nordic projects to develop the accounting profession in the Nordic region.