Allow your staff to get the skills that drive data privacy and cybersecurity business excellence

The EUGDPR Institute offers training, awareness and knowledge sharing through web-based training programs, e-learning, events through conferences, training workshops, seminars on several GDPR issues and mandates. Please look at the events page to register for the specific event.

Awareness training & online GDPR Staff E-learning

The GDPR mandates include provisions on staff accountability and demonstrating compliance. Our standard and customised training provide specific regulations to ensure accountability, maintaining data quality principles and implementing appropriate measures to protect data. Our training and awareness to fulfills the GDPR obligations to:
  • Bespoke training and certification of a Data processor, controller or Data Protection Officer and high risk or high-volume processing.
  • The accountability provisions of the GDPR include taking a risk-based approach, that can be conducting regular customised GRC training sessions.
  • Review and update existing audit and data policies and data processes, to identify gaps and incorporate an effective accountability program by monitoring regular customised training sessions
The GDPR Institute online staff awareness E-learning is a quick, affordable and efficient means of delivering the mandatory training on the critical requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), customised to multiple staff members and managers. The GDPR Staff training and awareness and E-learning tool is a simple-to-use flexible web-based program to familiarise all employees to the critical compliance components, and to the management obligation for GDPR compliance.



The seminars and courses provide a complete substance on the GDPR, principles, roles, responsibilities and processes with the primary purpose of how these components can create value for the organisation and reducing your organisation’s risk of non-compliance. For content/agenda click here.

  • An outline summary of the GDPR
  • Definition of the critical data protection rules and roles
  • Scope of the GDPR
  • Determining the scope of the GDPR
  • The GDPR principles
  • The six principles for the collection/processing of personal data
  • Accountability
  • GDPR application
  • Collecting and processing personal data
  • Personal and sensitive data
  • Requesting personal data
  • Minors and consent
  • Data breach reporting
Each seminar or online training, irrespective of the subject is followed by a 20 randomly selected multiple-choice questions assessment as a test. We provide the opportunity to retake the test until the pass mark is achieved. A certification is issued to all staff who pass the test.


Procedures and operations comply with the role and responsibilities

The organisation is GDPR-compliant only when the staff has been to a GDPR staff awareness e-learning course. The GDPR Staff Awareness E-learning tool is tailored to outline the Data Privacy priorities, processes and activities which will lead the participant to make more efficient decisions about GDPR Compliance in the daily and routine procedures and operations comply with the role and responsibilities of the staff member or manager. After taking The GDPR Staff Awareness and E-learning seminars and courses, the participant should also be able to make and provide sound business judgement and perception and insight for your benefit of the business and organisation.


Rethink business perceptions and reshape priorities

The course will seek to remove the misinformation and misconceptions of the various GDPR components with examples and case studies. We further aim to create the right GDPR focus on new, different and topical IT, data and cybersecurity issues. These activities will transform the particular mindset to data discipline, data protection and data privacy to rethink the business perceptions and reshape priorities about IT platforms, business, technology and new corporate compliance trends. All of the above components will help create staff discipline, corporate value and enhance the trust and integrity components of corporate culture. A vital component of the GDPR implementation & compliance is the performance of the to staff awareness, training and education. To avoid the significant non-compliance fines, it is essential that your staff have a clear understanding of the compliance requirements.    
The idealistic path to GDPR training and awareness compliance is long and complicated. All companies must select a way to address the regulatory challenges of constructing a GDPR implementation, execution and monitoring program.

The GDPR companies to process personal data securely using appropriate technical and organisational measures based on the circumstances and the risks posed. Our training and awareness program will deliver the critical components of how you can engage all employees to create competitive advantage, start the digitisation process, implement the data transformation processes that take care of the issues created by multiple platforms, databases and personally identifiable information on various departmental repositories. Please click here to get a detailed listing of all GDPR articles related to the corporate responsibility and accountability on training and awareness for all employees as required to comply with GDPR.

  • Article 5(1)(f) of the GDPR concerns the integrity and confidentiality of personal data. Therefore management must provide appropriate initial and refresher training, including the accountability responsibilities of the data controller.
  • Article 47 requires relevant data protection training for personnel having permanent or regular access to personal data.
  • Article 39 requires that the data protection officer shall be involved to monitor compliance with the GDPR Regulation through awareness-raising training of staff involved in the processing operation and activities
  • Article 37, in the GDPR, includes among the tasks of the Data Protection Officer (DPO) awareness-raising and training of staff involved in the processing operations.”
  • Under Article 43, of the GDPR requires the appropriate data protection training to personnel having permanent or regular access to personal data (with Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs).
  • In GDPR'S 7th Supplemental Principle called verification, the Privacy Shield requires verification via self-assessment. One of the documents that must be attested to is that it has in place procedures for training employees in its implementation, and disciplining them for failure to follow it.
Our training and awareness program will deliver the critical components of how you can engage all employees to create competitive advantage, start the digitisation process, implement the data transformation processes that take care of the issues created by multiple platforms, databases and personally identifiable information on various departmental repositories.