The focus of the GDPR audit is to determine whether the organisation has implemented adequate policies and procedures to regulate the processing of personal data. Additionally, the review will ensure that monitoring of personal data processing is carried out by such policies and procedures and identifying and controlling the risks to prevent data breaches.
The GDPR audit assesses the organisation’s processes, systems, records and activities to:
- Safeguard that appropriate, and adequate policies and procedures are enforced;
- Detect data breaches or potential cyber violations to comply;
- Assessment and adequacy of internal controls;
- Authorise and validate the principles, policies and procedures are monitored and adhered to;
- Recommend changes in controls, policies, procedures and IT platforms.
The scope of the GDPR audit scope is agreed in consultation with the stakeholders to identify relevant data protection risks within the organisation. It takes into consideration both generic data protection issues as well as specific concerns about data protection policies and procedures.
The audit assesses the organisation’s processing of personal data to ensure compliance with ‘good GDPR practices’, that are in agreement of the Data Controller. A good practices are defined as principles for processing necessary personal data and in compliance with the requirements of GDPR with the purpose of;
The benefits of a consensual audit include:
- Raising data protection awareness;
- Documenting managements commitment to recognise the value of data protection;
- Independent assurance of data protection policies processes and practices;
- identification of data protection risks with specific recommendations to automate compliance;
- Knowledge sharing with for training and improvements