We hereby invite you to join the new GDPR Denmark Network organised by The EUGDPR Institute by Copenhagen Compliance®

The Danish GDPR network is a forum of GDPR, Data Privacy, Data Protection professionals and enthusiast and provides a platform for discussion and sharing own experiences on GDPR topics at a theoretical and practical level. At each network meeting, we will invite local and global experts and lecturers who in their way possess the distinct subject matter experience and expertise.

The moderator of the GDPR network is Thor Ahrends, Legal Compliance Officer & DPO at Danmarks Nationalbank (Danish Central Bank) and Kersi Porbunderwala CEO, The EUGDPR Institute.

The first meeting will be held on Wednesday the 14th November 2018 at 2.30 pm at DTU in Lyngby.

At each meeting, we will discuss at least one topical and timely GDPR issue. The presentations will be in English, however, based on the final membership and the participants we can consider conducting it in Danish.

Please see the attached link to the brochure where you can read more about the network, your benefits and the topics we expect to cover. However, the final content of each meeting is determined in collaboration with members and the subjects, needs and interests that are relevant to you.

The network membership will also grant you access to some relevant GDPR presentations, a toolkit with policies templates, standards and other reference materials and newsletters to keep you updated about GDPR development in regulations, Danish privacy laws and different global privacy standards.

The dates for the minimum four meetings to be held in 2019 will be announced that day.

Annual membership is DKK 9.900,00 excl. VAT. By signing up before the 12th November 2018, your participation in the first meeting is included. If you only want to participate in the first meeting the cost is DKK 2.500,00 excl. VAT.

Please click on the following link to download the program of the day, driving instructions etc. The list of participants will be provided a week before the event. After each network meeting, you will be able to find the presentation material on The EUGDPR institute, and a link to the material portal will be provided to you. A certificate of attendance with CPE points will also be provided.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


DTU Science Park, Technical University of Denmark.
Diplomvej 381
DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark
Mobil 81 91 08 92
Mail: eleonore@eugdpr.institute

PROGRAM – The GDPR, Data Privacy and Data Protection Network

1400-1430 30 min Registration, Arrival and Sandwiches DTU/GDPR Institute
1430-1500 15 min Welcome, Introduction and Presentation of The Agenda Kersi Porbunderwalla
Thor Ahrends
1500-1545 45 min The Timetable on How to Manage An Inspection From The Data Oversight Authorities Thor Ahrends, DPO The Danish Central Bank
1545-1630 45 min How to Prepare, Develop and Implement A DPIA Hernan Huwyler, Senior Risk Manager ISS A/S
1630-1645 15 min Coffee Break Networking
1645-1730 45 min The International Perspectives in GDPR Cultural Issues, Data Transfers, BCR And Privacy Shield Kersi Porbunderwala, CEO The EUGDPR Institute
1730-1815 45 min Lessons Learnt from A Practical Standpoint from a Complex GDPR Implementation and Transformation of a Regulatory Program
More than 30 GDPR Solution, projects across 29 business entities, in 15 market areas. Driving a 650 man strong program to mobilise 20.000 employees.
Ole Steen Brams, FVP, EUGDPR Program Lead, Danske Bank
1815-1845 30 min Tapas, Coffee and Drinks DTU/EUGDPR Network


The price for the annual membership is DKK 9.900,00 excl. VAT. By signing up for the 2019 yearly membership before the 12th November 2018, your participation in the first meeting is included.

If you only want to participate in the first meeting the cost is DKK 2.500,00 excl. VAT.
The network membership will grant you access to some relevant GDPR presentations on a wide range of topics, a GDPR toolkit with 30+ policies, templates, standards and other GDPR reference material and monthly newsletters to keep you regularly updated about GDPR development in regulations, Danish privacy laws and different global privacy standards. The membership will also give a 30% discount on our global seminars and workshops.

The dates for the 2019 GDPR Network meetings are

Monday 21st January 2019
14:30-18:45 at DTU, Lyngby
Monday 8th April 2019
14:30-18:45 at DTU, Lyngby
Wednesday 8th May 2019
Whole day GDPR Workshop at Radisson Hotel Scandinavia
Monday 19th August 2019
14:30-18:45 at DTU, Lyngby
Monday 14th October 2019
14:30-18:45 at DTU, Lyngby